The light of clarification and the salvation of souls
The light of clarification and the salvation of souls
Brief on worship in Hanafi jurisprudence
Authored by the famous jurist: Hassan bin Ammar Al-Sharnblani
And a book written by Imam Al-Sharnbalali (d. 1069 AH) is one of the most famous and most important texts of Hanafi jurisprudence. It includes a comprehensive and accurate summary of matters of worship. This text has been popularized and famous since the life of its author, so the author returned to it again, explained it, then shortened its explanation, and called it: “The Fallacy of the Farmer.” One of the scholars worked on it as a footnote, known as Al-Tahawy’s footnote. And these three books: Al-Matn, Al-Sharh, and Al-Hashiya are still the destination of the people of knowledge and their dependents, and they benefit from them and benefit from them.
About the book:
Cover: plain cardboard
Size: 14 * 19.5 cm
Pages: 120 p
Tabseer for publication and distribution
Madhab-Hanafi-Hanafi-Abu Hanifa-Abu Hanifa-madhab-doctrine